My First Visit to an Orphanage

Blog post written by Annika Bahnsen (age 20), Orange County, CA

I wouldn’t be lying if I were to say that the last few days have been some of the most impactful few days of my life.

Although this week has been full of celebration of the New Year, the past few days have also been full of reality. The team has had the opportunity to serve multiple communities in various ways. We have fed the people experiencing homelessness, given gifts and food to the locals of La Libertad, built a house for the sweetest family, and yesterday we visited two orphanages.

Our day at the orphanages was the most eye opening and quite frankly, shocking, day of the trip. As we handed out hand-picked gifts to the children of the local Catholic orphanage, their smiles brought an equal amount of joy and sadness. Joy because they are receiving something they have wished for but at the same time, our hearts broke knowing these gifts were one of the only few things they look forward to receiving. Additionally, at this specific orphanage, we were able to spend a little bit of time with the teen mothers, one of whom was fourteen. As I have just left my teenage years, seeing girls younger than me struggling in so many ways: spiritually, emotionally, physically.... I was at a loss for words.

But even with the pain, God has shown me throughout this trip the importance of trusting His plan and welcoming His mercy. I know that the things we did and gave to the children of the orphanages, through Christ, will be such a blessing in their lives. But even with the small gifts we gave, we still have to be in continuous prayer for the communities here in El Salvador.

God is moving in big ways here in this country, and I've felt so humbled and honored to be a part of it.

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