His Hands His Feet is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our federal tax ID number is 84-2736705. For questions regarding donations or tax deductions, please contact Jenni Ramsey or Stephanie Keenan at j.ramsey.hhhf@gmail.com.
Donations can be made in the following ways...
You have the option to designate your PayPal gift for a specific team member or project under “Instructions for buyer.”
PAYPAL GIVING - paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/2730972
If you choose to use PAYPAL GIVING, please email us at j.ramsey.hhhf@gmail.com to notify us how to designate. PAYPAL GIVING will not specify designations.
Venmo - Our Venmo name is His Hands His Feet
User Name - @HisHandsHisFeet
Email - j.ramsey.hhhf@gmail.com
You have the option to designate your gift for a specific team member or project in the “What’s this for” box.
Zelle - Our Zelle name is HIS HANDS HIS FEET
The email account associated with this account is j.ramsey.hhhf@gmail.com
You have the option to designate your gift towards a specific team members or project in the “Add message” option.
Mail a check to Stephanie Keenan, Administrator, His Hands His Feet, 69 Saratoga, Newport Beach, CA 92660.
If you would like to designate your gift to a specific project or team member, please make a notation.