Crean is in the House!

Blog post written by Jenni Ramsey

We have arrived in El Salvador after a challenging day of travel.   Sadly, one of our team members, Jake, was unable to leave the country due to a passport issue.  He handled the situation with tremendous faith and his parents were able to change his airline ticket.  He'll be attending a conference with his youth group in Chicago and was able to use the El Salvador flight credit on American Airlines.  God works in mysterious ways.  It was a wonderful opportunity to recognize that "All things work together for good for those who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).   Our team of twenty arrived at the mission house this evening and we were welcomed by happy, familiar faces and enjoyed a delicious pizza dinner.  We are tired but looking forward to an amazing week of ministry.

Tomorrow we'll be serving in the local church, visiting a government run orphanage and serving the homeless. We are so grateful for the prayers and support of family and friends as we serve His children in El Salvador this week!

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