Reflections After Leading my Fourth Team to El Salvador

Blog post written by Lindsey Warneke

Teacher and Team Leader, Crean Lutheran High School

“...Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” -1 Thessalonians 2:8

As I took a step off the plane and set foot in El Salvador for the first time three years ago, I had little expectation of what the journey would entail. I knew only a few details about the region, and this was one of the few instances in my life that I had left the comforts of my environment. Having arrived, I was eager to undertake whatever the week would bring forth. What I did not anticipate, however, was how drastically this brief experience would impact me.


In reflecting after my return from my fourth trip to the country, I am humbled to play a small role in what God is doing in Central America. Throughout these past few summers, our teams have had the opportunity to assist in centers that care for children, construct homes for families, deliver meals and distribute clothing, and pray with the missionaries who are serving in the areas we visit. In the midst of all the trials and challenges faced by many Salvadorians, I have witnessed first-hand the Holy Spirit at work through the men and women who have been called to spread the good news across this nation. Some have uprooted themselves from their places of origin, while others are committed to proclaiming the truth in their homeland. Regardless of where they are from, all are dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission. I am grateful for every interaction I have had with each person I have met during my time in El Salvador.

To the Ackermann and Knepper families, thank you for your faithful service unto the Lord. You inspire me more than I can put into words. May God continue to richly bless your labors as you shine His light in this dark world.

Dear staff and volunteers of the Sus Hijos Foundation, you exemplify what it means to be followers of Christ, and your faith is an incredible source of encouragement for all whom you encounter. Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in advancing the Kingdom.

Jenni Ramsey and Stephanie Keenan, thank you for supporting a vision that brings hope to those who desperately need Jesus. His Hands His Feet has impacted many people and will continue to do so for years to come.

Above all, I thank God for the redemptive work of His Son’s death and resurrection and for intertwining the stories of these influential individuals with mine. I pray we continue to share not only the gospel with one another and the citizens of El Salvador but our lives as well.

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